8′ x 8′ wall graphic installation
Biggest challenge of this installation wasn’t about installation but to persuade the sales person.
I ended up installing same graphics 5 times because the sales person sold rennie a WRONG vinyl for the wall and kept thinking he made a right choice. It wasn’t even sticking to the wall while I was installing. It was combination of ultra low-tac removable vinyl and freshly painted wall. However, it was his first wall graphic sales so it’s very understandable. We learned the right way from this installation and ended up selling more wall graphics later.
I always learn so much more from mistakes!
When I was installing, rennie told me that they will re-paint the wall after the event. so vinyl could be permenent and I didn’t have to go 5 times to install.
Think about the time and cost of it.
( parking + labour + vinyl + printing time + ink ) x 5 times = 🤯😱🤮
Things to consider when you install a wall graphic.😀
- Type of media (permanent vs removable vinyl)
- Is it fresh paint? then wait for at least 3 days for the paint to dry up
- Is the paint matte or glossy?
This job was completed through Total Graphics Inc.